Tuesday, April 20, 2010

More Than Sun and Sand in Barbados - Andromeda Botanical Gardens

Carribean islands generally sell themselves on the tropical beaches, but with a little bit of exploring it’s possible to find equally relaxing spots away from the ocean. Michele and I were already enjoying our first couple of days at the Coconut Court in Hastings, on the south coast of Barbados, and decided to take a day to explore the eastern part of the island. The Andromeda Botanical Gardens in Saint Joseph Parish near the town of Bathsheba was the destination of choice.

Getting to the gardens meant a bus ride across the island from Bridgetown, an interesting ride itself. After leaving the city, the bus passed sugar cane fields through the rugged interior of the island and then descended downhill toward the Atlantic Ocean. Here there was a convenient stop next to the Botanical Gardens. The trip took roughly 40 minutes with the stops along the way, the public transportation in Barbados is reliable and destinations all over the island can be reached easily for a day trip.

The Gardens have two main nature trails, one goes up the hillside and the other is relatively flat. We were given a guide sheet to the trails that described the various plants and also gave a little bit of history on the Gardens. Started by the Bannochie family, local horticulturists, the Andromeda Botanical Gardens became part of the Barbados National Trust when Mrs. Bannochie passed away. The diverse species include orchids, ferns, bougainvillea, palms and cacti that all thrive in a tropical climate.

We walked both trails, starting with the steeper of the two and then finishing with the easy trail. It didn’t prove to be a problem, since we were constantly stopping to photograph the flowers and trees. We also discovered some ponds, one full of lounging frogs and a vigilant kingfisher standing nearby, the other full of fish and aquatic plants. With plenty of area and not overcrowded with visitors, it was a very peaceful experience to explore at a leisurely pace.

At the end of our trek we relaxed and had a bite to eat at the visitors center before catching the bus back to Bridgetown.

If you’re looking for a break from the beach, interested in photography, or just searching for a zen experience, the Andromeda Botanical Gardens might be the perfect day trip!


Getting to the Andromeda Botanical Gardens requires taking the Bathsheba bus from Bridgetown if you do not have your own private transportation. The Bathsheba bus leaves from the Fairchild terminal in Bridgetown and schedules are posted in the terminal. The bus fare is $1.50 BDS.

The Gardens are open weekdays from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and the admission fee is $17.50 BDS for adults. A gift shop and cafe are located at the visitors center. The café offers several lunch choices at reasonable prices.

Stay hydrated while walking the trails. There is plenty of shade, but afternoon temperatures are hot.